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A woman which had a young child, was living near a sister of the husband.
Na femmene chi tineve na vagliona cirelle, abbitave vicine a 'na sore di lu marite.
The sister-in-law was living alone and, every day, she was going to find her and was taking something for her or the child.
La cugnate stave sola esse e, quasi tutte li juorre la ive a truvà e purtave coccose o pi esse o pi la citre.
The little girl had grown fond of the aunt so she wanted to be always with her.
La vaglione z'era affizziunate a la zie e nin puteve fa chiù a mene di viderle.
Even if the mother was happy because she could entrust the daughter to someone when she was busy, she didn't like the fact that the sister-in-law was going so often to her house because she was having to invite her at lunch.
La mamme, da 'na vie era contente accuscì puteve lassà la figlie a cocchedune quanna tineve chi fa, da n'natre nin sempre vuleve chi la cugnate jesse tante spisse a la casa sé picchè doppe l'aveva ammitiè a rimanè magniè nchi esse.
One day, while she was preparing the meal, the child said:
Nu juorre, mentre stave priparenne a magniè, la citre i z'avvicinette e i dicette:
- Mum, can I go to call the aunt so she has lunch with us? -
- Mà, pozze i a chiamà la zie accuscì magne nchi nù? -
The mother, which wanted to satisfy the daughter, but that did not want to invite the sister-in-law, lost in thought answered: La mamme chi nin vuleve dispiacè la figlie, ma nin vuleve ammitiè la cugnate, na 'nzegne sobbrappenziere arispunnette:
- That's all right, you go to call she, but invite her to half mouth. - Meaning with this that she did not have to insist in the invitation if the aunt had told her that she could not come.
- Va bbuone, vall'a chiamà, ma ammìtele a mezza vocche - vulenne dice ca nin aveva 'nziste a 'mitielle si la zie i diceve ca nin puteva minì.
The child went to the aunt, said hello to her and then, closing with the fingers half of her mouth, said her: La citre iette da la zie, la salutette e po', riggènneze mezza vocche nchi li dètere, dicette:
- Mummy has said if you want to come to eat at our home! - - Ha ditte mamme, si vuò minì a magniè a la casa nostre! -
- And why do you hold the mouth with the hands? Maybe do you have toothache? - - E picchè ti riegge la vocche nchi li miene? Ti dole li diente? - Addummannette la zie preoccupate.
- No - answered the little girl - mum has told me to invite you to half mouth and I do so!- - None - arispunnette la vaglione - mamme m'ha ditte ca t'aveve ammitiè a mezza vocche e i accuscì so fatte! -
The aunt understood immediately what the child wanted to say. She did a caress and said to her: La zie nin ci mittette troppe a capì chi vuleve dice la citre: i facette nu carizze e i dicette:
- No, my little beautiful grandaughter: go to home, thanks to your mother and say her that I do not have need of nothing! - - None zia sé: arivà a la case, aringrazie mamme e dije cà i 'ngrazia Ddiè, nin aeje bisuogne di niente! -
The sentence " m'ha mmitiete a mezza vocche" (he has invited me to half mouth) means that the invitation made from someone does not convince, is only a formality or the invitation is done for personal profit.


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