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An old man who begged in a street near the house of a wealthy man, one day stopped the owner of the house as he was coming home.
Nu viecchie chi circave la limosine vicine a la case di n'ome ricche,nu iuorre lu firmette mentre ariive a la case.
The old man, poorly dressed, always dragged behind him a large basket in which he stored all his rags. Lu viecchie, vistute mmalamente, zi trascinieve appriesse nu ciste gruosse ddò ci tineve tutte li strieccie sie.
-What do you want from me? - Asked the man.
- Chi vuò da me? - Addummannette l'ome ricche.
-Are you aware that your wife is having an affair with your best man, and that together they are planning to kill you and get all your money? - - Li siè ca mogliete zi la fa nchi lu cumpare d'anielle e t'onne vo accite pi pigliertze tutte li solde? -
-What are you saying? I don't believe you. Go away before I beat you up. How can you be sure of this? - - Ma chi stiè dicenne, i nci crete, vattinne prime che ti mene. Gnà fiè a esse sicure di sa' cose? -
-A rainy day, I asked your wife to let me into the house to warm up near the fireplace and I saw that your best man was there. From then on everyday, as soon as you leave, he comes, and listening at the door I heard that they were talking about killing you so that they could enjoy all the money that you would leave to your wife. - - Nu iuorre chi chiuveve, so circate a mogliete di famme ntrà pi scallarme vicine a lu fuculuare e so viste ca lu cumpare tiè stava aloche. Da culle iuorre, appene tu ti ni viè, isse arrive e so sintute, da rrete a la porte, conne parlave d'accitite pi puterze pigliè tutte li solde chi liesse a moglite pi ridità. -
-How can you prove that you are right? - - Gnà fiè a farme vidè ca tiè raggione? -
-Tomorrow pretend that you are leaving, I will ask to enter your house with the excuse of warming myself, and you, while I distract your wife, hide inside my basket, which I will leave behind the door. In this manner you will hear all they are saying behind your back. But if I am right you must pay me. - - Dumane, fa vvidè ca ti ni viè, i, nchi la scuse di scallarme, entre dentre a la casa te e tu, mentre i mpappine moglite, intre dentre a lu ciste chi so lassate arrete a la porte. Accuscì può sintì tutte chille chi zi dice quanna tu nin ci stiè. Si pirò i eie raggione, ma dà pagà. -
-All right, how much do you want? - - Va buone, quanta vuò? -
-Thirty carrini and a mare. - - Trenta carrine e na iumente. -
It was so agreed. The husband pretended to go away and the beggar asked to be let into the house dragging behind the basked in which the husband hid. After a short time the best man arrived, the beggar went away but he left the basket behind the door and stood outside to eavesdrop. The husband could thus hear all that his wife and the best man were saying to each other, and he learned that they were planning to get rid of him. At that moment the beggar opened the door and spoke to the basket: E ccuscì onne facette. Lu marite facette avvidè ca zi ni ive e lu viecchie ntrette dentre a la case trascinennze appriesse lu ciste addo ntrette l'ome. Doppe na nzegne arrivette lu cumpare e lu limusinante scette e lassette lu ciste arrete a la porte ma rimanette a scultà da da fore. Accuscì lu marite putette sintì tutte li cose chi zonne diceve la moglie e lu cumpare e sapette gnà onne vuleve fa pi luvalle da mmiezze. Allore lu viecchie aprette la porte e dicette a lu ciste:
-Do you hear, do you hear, mister basket, listen to what these two are saying, you are lucky to be present: thirty carrini and a mare. - - Siente, siente, signore ciste, siente chi cosa dice chiste, pur'è buone ca si ripprisente: trenta carrine chi la iumente. -
This last sentence is often quoted when someone proves, in a definite manner, to be right and to deserve all the recognition due to him.  
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