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A woman which had a young child, was living near a sister of the husband.
Una donna che aveva una bambina piccola, abitava vicino ad una sorella del marito.
The sister-in-law was living alone and, every day, she was going to find her and was taking something for her or the child.
La cognata viveva sola e, quasi tutti i giorni, andava a trovarla e portava qualcosa per lei o per la bimba.
The little girl had grown fond of the aunt so she wanted to be always with her.
La piccina si era affezionata alla zia e non poteva più fare a meno di vederla.
Even if the mother was happy because she could entrust the daughter to someone when she was busy, she didn't like the fact that the sister-in-law was going so often to her house because she was having to invite her at lunch.
La madre, sebbene contenta di poter affidare la figlia a qualcuno quando era occupata, non sempre gradiva che la cognata andasse così spesso a casa sua perché doveva poi invitarla a pranzo.
One day, while she was preparing the meal, the child said:
Un giorno, mentre stava preparando da mangiare, la bambina le si avvicinò e le disse:
- Mum, can I go to call the aunt so she has lunch with us? -
- Mamma, posso andare a chiamare la zia così pranza con noi? -
The mother, which wanted to satisfy the daughter, but that did not want to invite the sister-in-law, lost in thought answered: La madre, che non voleva dispiacere la figlia, ma non voleva invitare la cognata, un po' soprappensiero rispose:
- That's all right, you go to call she, but invite her to half mouth. - Meaning with this that she did not have to insist in the invitation if the aunt had told her that she could not come.
- Va bene, vai a chiamarla, ma invitala a mezza bocca - volendo con questo dire che non doveva insistere nell'invito se la zia le avesse detto che non poteva venire.
The child went to the aunt, said hello to her and then, closing with the fingers half of her mouth, said her: La bimba andò dalla zia, la salutò e poi, reggendosi mezza bocca con le dita, le disse:
- Mummy has said if you want to come to eat at our home! - - Ha detto mamma, se vuoi venire a mangiare a casa nostra! -
- And why do you hold the mouth with the hands? Maybe do you have toothache? - - E perché ti reggi la bocca con le mani? Hai forse mal di denti? - Domandò la zia preoccupata.
- No - answered the little girl - mum has told me to invite you to half mouth and I do so!- - No - rispose la bimba - mamma mi ha detto di invitarti a mezza bocca ed io così ho fatto!-
The aunt understood immediately what the child wanted to say. She did a caress and said to her: La zia non ci mise molto a capire cosa la bambina volesse dire. Le fece una carezza e le disse:
- No, my little beautiful grandaughter: go to home, thanks to your mother and say her that I do not have need of nothing! -
- No bella di zia: torna a casa, ringrazia mamma e dille che io, ringraziando Dio, non ho bisogno di nulla! -
The sentence " m'ha mmitiete a mezza vocche" (he has invited me to half mouth) means that the invitation made from someone does not convince, is only a formality or the invitation is done for personal profit.


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