One day a wife was patting her husband's head and felt three lumps. "My dear husband, what happened? You have three lumps."
Nu juorre 'na moglie alliscieve la cocce a lu marite e attintette tre vruògnele. "Marite mié, chi si fatte? Tu tié tre vruògnele!."
The cunning husband said: "These lumps mean that you cheated me three times." |
Lu marite, furbe, dicette: "Chisse vruògnele vo dice ca tu mi si misse li corne tre volte." |
"No, my dear husband, I swear to you that it is not true (that I was unfaithful to you) three times, only once I slept with our godfather." |
"None marite miè. Ti lu giure ca nin è lu vere tre volte, sole na volte so durmite nchi lu cumpare." |
And so the husband learned that his wife had been unfaithful to him. |
Accuscì lu marite appurette ca la moglie iaveve misse li corne. |