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A poor beggar, tired from walking, one day sat on the steps of a house.
Nu povir'ome chi circave la limosine, nu iuorre, chi z'era stancate di i caminenne, z'assittette sobbre a li schiele di 'na case.
Hungry, he took out a piece of dried bread from his pocket and began to eat it.
I tineva fame e caccette da la saccocce nu piezze di pane sicche e cuminzette a rusccà.
While he was eating, someone opened one of the windows of the house and from it came a tantalizing smell of roast that permeated the whole street. Mentre stave magnenne, z'aprette 'na finestre di la case e 'na bell'addore d'arruste zi spandette pi tutta la vie.
The man got up, approached the window and with open nostrils enjoyed that aroma.
Lu puvirielle z'alzette da lu scuale, z'avvicinette a la finestre e nchi li frosce allariate z'arisazijeve di chell'addore.
After a while, unable to stand that smell any longer, he took out of his pocket another piece of dried bread, stretched a hand through the open window and held the bread to the escaping smoke. Doppe na 'nzegne, nin putennene chiù di chella bell'addore, caccette da la saccocce n'ualtre piezze di pane sicche, allunghette la miene da la finestre aperte e mittette lu tuozze di pane mmiezze a lu fume chi ci scive.
When he felt that the bread was flavored, he pulled back his hand and proceeded to eat the bread. Quanna, second'isse, lu pane z'era 'nsapurite, aritirette la miene e aricuminzette a ruscca.
When the owner of the house (and of the meat) saw what the beggar had done, came out of the house and approached the poor man. Lu patrone di la case (e di la carne) quanna vidette chille c'aveva fatte l'ome, scette nmiezze a la vie e iette da lu puvirielle.
- You must pay me because you dipped your bread into the smoke of my meat which is cooking. - He said to him. - Tu ma dà pagà picchè si nzuppuate lu pane tiè dentre a lu fume di la carna me chi zi stave cucenne! - i dicette.
- But the smoke doesn't cost you anything, and it gave a little flavor to my dry bread. - Answered the beggar. - Ma a te lu fume nin ti coste niente e a lu pane sicche miè ia date 'na 'nzegne di sapore. - Arispunnette lu puvirielle.
- But if my meat that was cooking weren't there you would have to eat your bread as it was. - Said the man who didn't want to listen to reason.
- Ma si nin ci stave la carna me chi zi cuceve, tu lu pane ti l'aviva magnè coma ere. - Dicette l'ome chi nin vuleve sintì raggione.
And so they began to argue. E cuscì onne cumenizette a litichiè.
A judge, who happened to pass by, heard the screams of the men and asked what happened. Nu ggiudice chi zi truvave a passà a chella vie, sintette alluccuà e vulette sapè da li ddù uommene chi era succiesse.
The man and the beggar, still screaming, explained to him the reason for their argument. Allucchenne tutt'eddu, l'ome e lu puvirielle jonne spiighette ognune la raggiona sè.
The judge reflected a little, then took a silver coin, bounced it three or four times on the step, put it back in his pocket and asked the man who was cooking the meat:
- Did you like the sound of the silver coin? -
-Yes! - Answered the man.
- Then, you satisfied your ear with the sound of the silver coin, and the beggar satisfied his nose with the smell of the roast. This way you are even! - Concluded the judge.
Lu ggiudice ci pinzette na 'nzegne, pigliette nu solde d'argiente, la sbattette tre o quattre volte sobbre a nu squale, zi la rimittette dentre a la saccocce e addummannette a l'ome chi cuceve la carne:
- Ti è piaciuto il suono della moneta d'argento? -
- Scine! - arispunnette l'ome.
- Allora, tu hai saziato il tuo orecchio con il suono dell'argento ed il mendicante ha saziato il suo olfatto con il profumo dell'arrosto. In questo modo siete pari! - Cuncludette lu ggiudice.
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