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A dog without a master and without a home was always roaming in the fields surrounding the town.
Nu cuane senza patrone e senza case ive sempre girenne pi li campagne vicine a nu paese.
It would have liked to have a home because, especially in the winter, it was cold and it didn't know how to find a shelter. When it was cold and it snowed the dog sought shelter here and there, and it even tried to sneak in people's houses, but the people would chase it away.
Iavesse piaciute d'avèrece na casa sé picchè, specialmente lu vierne, zi murive di fridde e nin sapeve addò ireze a riparà. Quanne faceve lu fridde e ningheve, lu cuane zi ive annascunnenne a na vie e n'antre e pruvave pure a ficchièreze dentre a la case di cocchedune, ma l'onne cacciave.
Every time the winter came and it was cold it would say: Ogni volte c'arrivieve lu vierne e zi murive di fridde diceve:
- Let's hope the summer will be soon here so that I can build a house for myself?! - - Quanna vò minì la state ca mi vuoglie fa' na case?! -
And it began to think of what type of house it wanted: near the town so that it would be easy to find something to eat, with water readily available, a short distance from the woods where it would be cool in the summer and so on, and so on.- E cuminzave a pinzà gnà la vuleve: vicine a lu paese accuscì i era chiù facile truvà coccose pi magnè, nchi l'acca a purtate di musse, vicine a nu bosche accuscì la state nin sintive calle e tant'altre belle cose.
As the fine weather arrived the dog began to search, but one time it would meet another dog and would join it, another time it would chase cats, another time it would rest in the shade, in fact it never worked on its project. Come arrivieve la bella stagione cuminzave a i truvenne, ma mò ncuntrave nuantre cuane e ive girenne nchi isse, mò zi mitteve a scappà appriesse a li ghiette, mo z'aripusave sotte a lu flische e nin cumbinieve mai niente.
One year, however, the winter was worse than ever and the dog was almost dying of hunger and cold. One day it was curled up under a field boulder, it repeated several time: N'anne però lu vierne era state pegge di lu solite e lu cuane zi stave pi murì di fridde e di fame e nu juorre, mentre stave rintanate sotte a nu cantone 'n campagn,e aridicette chiù di na volte:
- Let's hope the summer will come so that I could build a house?! - - Quanna vò minì la state ca mi vuoglie fa' na case?! -
Finally the fine season came and the dog, as usual, began to roam around to look for a house, but one time it didn't like the location, another time the place was too hot, another time it didn't like the plants that grew there, the dog wasted so much time that half of the summer passed and it still had not found a suitable place. Minette finalmente la bella stagione e lu cuane, come a lu solite, cuminzette a i girenne pi truvà la case, ma mò nin i piaceve lu puoste, mò zi sintive calle, mò nin i piaceve li piante chi ci crisceve vicine, facette passà nu suacche di tiempe fine a metà di la state senza cunclute niente.
One day when it had found food and also taken a nap, while stretched under a tree near a brook, it thought that spot was perfect for its house: there was even water. It yawned, it made itself comfortable and said: Nu juorre chi aveve truvate da magniè e z'era fatte pure na cinicarelle, mentre stave allunguate sotte a na piante vicine a nu vallone, pinzette ca forse culle ere lu puoste bbuone pi la casa sé: ci stave pure l'acche. Doppe alette, zi mittette còmmete e dicette:
- Water, water, water, he who wants a house, let him built it! - - L'acche, l'acche, l'acche: chi vò la case ocche zi la facce! -
This phrase is often quoted by those who, even knowing that they are not doing what they had planned to do, prefer leisure and postpone the solution of every problem to a future time.  
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