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A blind beggar used to hide the few coins he collected during the day in a hole in a wall.
Nu limusinante cicate annascunneve li poche solde arradunuate durante la iurnate dentre a lu buche di nu mure.
As time went by, he succeeded in saving twenty carrini.  Nchi lu tiempe ere arrisciute a mette nziembre vinte carrine.
A small brainless thief noticed that the blind man was hiding his money always in the same place, and when he felt that the money saved by the blind man was quite a considerable sum, stole it, taking advantage that the beggar was blind.
Na specie di marijuole, z'ere addunate ca lu cicate annascunneve li solde sie sempre a lu stesse puoste e, quanna capette ca li quatrine misse a nu pizze da lu limusinante ere bbastante, i l'arrubbette apprufittennezene ca era cicate.
The beggar understood that his money was being stolen, but, being blind, he could not recognize the thief.   Lu limusinante z'addunette ca i zonne stave piglienne li solde, ma, siccome era cicate, nin puteve aricanosce lu marijuole.
He pretended not to notice the theft, and began to go around the village chanting:  Facette avvidè ca nzi n'ere addunate; però zi mittette a i girenne pi lu paese dicenne:
-I have twenty carrini in a hole, I will add twenty more and then I will have forty. -  - Tienghe vinte carrine a nu pirtuse, ci ni mette nantre vinte e ni facce quarante -
The thief, hearing him speak in such a manner, rushed to put back the money that he had stolen in the hole in the wall, hid and waited for the blind beggar to come and add the other money.   Lu marijuole, sintennele parlà accuscì, currette a rimette li solde chi z'ere arrubbate dentre a lu buche di lu mure e aspittette, annascuoste, chi lu cicate ci purtave lieltre solde.
The blind beggar came back where he had hidden the money, took back his twenty carrini and left.   Lu cicate ariette addo tineve annascuoste li solde, z'aripigliette li vinte carrine siè e zi ni iette.
The thief came back to get the money, but it was no longer there. From that day on, the people that met the beggar in the street could hear him saying:  Lu marijuole ariette p'aripigliereze li solde, ma nin li truvette chiù. Da culle iuorre, la iente chi 'ncuntrave lu limusinante pi la vie, lu sintive dice:
- What a fool was the stupid man who thought he could make forty carlini with twenty of them. - - Quante è state fesse lu ggnurante ca chi vinte carrine ni vuleve fa quarante -
This sentence is usually addressed to those who believe in easy earnings made even in a dishonest way.
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