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In Fallo there was a rather poor man who was going around in the town hoping that someone would give him something to eat.
A Fallo c'era un uomo piuttosto povero che girava sempre per il paese sperando che qualcuno gli desse qualcosa da mangiare.
No one knew his real name and everyone called him Pappippone.
Nessuno conosceva il suo vero nome e tutti lo chiamavano Pappippone.
One day someone gave him three or four potatoes, and he, happy of having once more escaped hunger, put them in a sack, which he carried over his shoulders. Un giorno qualcuno gli diede tre o quattro patate e lui, tutto contento del fatto che anche quella volta era riuscito a non morire di fame, le aveva messe dentro un sacchetto che portava sulle spalle.
Pappippone lived in the Valle Vecchia section of the town, and on his way home he was wandering how he was going to cook those four potatoes that had been given to him: - I can roast them on charcoals or I can boil them? Now, if only I had a small piece of meat, I could cook it with them... - Meanwhile he was shaking the sack with the potatoes as if these were going to tell him how they wanted to be cooked. Pappippone abitava sotto il Borgo Valle Vecchia e mentre tornava a casa pensava a come poteva cuocere quelle quattro patate che gli avevano dato: - Le posso fare alla brace o le posso mettere a bollire? Ora, se avessi un pezzettino di carne, ce lo potrei mettere a cuocere insieme.- E intanto scuoteva il sacchetto con i tuberi come se questi gli potessero rispondere e dirgli che fine volessero fare.
At one point he stopped half-way on the steps that led to Valle Vecchia, he took the little sack, raised it above his head, shook it and said: - What do I do with you? Now what do I do with you? As soon as I get home you are going to see what I am going to do with you! - Ad un certo punto si fermò in mezzo alla scalinata che portava alla Valle Vecchia, prese il sacchetto, lo sollevò in aria, lo scosse più forte e disse: - Come vi faccio e...come vi faccio?! Adesso che torniamo a casa vediamo come vi faccio! -
A man from a doorway saw the whole thing, and the following day the whole town knew the story of Pappippone's potatoes. Un uomo affacciato ad una porta vide tutta la scena ed il giorno dopo tutto il paese conosceva la storia delle patate di Pappippone.
Still today the phrase " What I am going to do with you, when we get home you are going to see what I am going to do with you " is quoted when, facing a serious problem, it is difficult to make a definite decision.  
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