A man was coming back from the fair with two loaded donkeys, one was loaded with salt, the other with sponges.
Un uomo ritornava dalla fiera con due asini carichi, uno era carico di sale, l'altro di spugne.
The donkey loaded with sponges was happy that his load was light and was making fun of the donkey loaded with salt. |
L'asino carico di spugne era contento che il suo carico era leggero, e si beffava dell'asino carico di sale. |
Suddenly it began to rain and it came down a big downpour. |
All' improvviso cadde un grande acquazzone. |
While the salt that one donkey carried melted and the load became lighter, the sponges carried by the cocky donkey saturated with water and the load became so heavy that the donkey fell and never got up. |
Mentre il sale che portava un asino si sciolse e il carico diventò leggero, le spugne che portava l'asino presuntuoso si gonfiarono d'acqua, e il carico si fece talmente pesante che l'asino che lo portava cadde e non potette più rialzarsi. |
When the elderliness of the country told such little story, they concluded it with the phrase: "rite buone chi rite pi ultime!" (he who laughs last laughs best!).