SAB(A)T m. or SABB(A)T Sabato m. Saturday
SACCOCC f. (L. saccus, bag, sac) Tasca f. Pocket
SACRAMENT (L. sacramentum, oath), è nu sacrament! he is such a big man ! Sacramento m. Sacrament
SACRASTAN m. Sagrestano m. Sexton
SAGL(IE), SALT (L. salire, to jump up) Salire Go up
SAGN f. (Gr. lasanon, pan = something to be cooked in a pan ??) Lasagna f. Lasagna
SAIETT f. (L. sagitta, arrow), ti pozz(a) piglié na saietta ! may a stroke of lightening get you! Saetta f. Bold, stroke of lightening, arrow
SAL f. Sala f. Hall, large room, living or dining room
SAL m. (L. sal, salt) Sale m. Salt
SALÁ, SALAT (L. sal, salt) Salare Salt
SALAM m. (L. sal, stitle= pork meat salted), è nu salam !, he is a meek (not forceful) man! Salame m. Salami
SALAT adj. (L. sal, salt) Salato adj. Salty
SALCICC f. Salsiccia f. Sausage
SALER f. (L. sal, salt) Saliera f. Salt box
SALTÁ, SALTAT (L. saltare, to dance) Saltare Jump
SALUT f. (L. salus, salutis, health) Salute f. Health
SALUT m. (L. salutare, to greet) Saluto m. Salute
SALUTUÀ, SALUTUAT (L. salutare, to greet) Salutare Greet
SALV(IE) f. (L. salvia, sage) Salvia f. Sage (herb)
SALVÁ, SALVAT (L. salvare, to save) Salvare Save
SALVIETT f. Tovagliolo m. Napkin
SAMMUCH m. (L. sambucus, elder tree) Sambuco m. Elder tree, sumac
SANÁ, SANAT Asportare le ovaie Spay
SANGH m. (L. sanguis, blood) Sangue m. Blood
SANGHINACC m. (L. sanguis, blood) Sanguinaccio m. Blood spread
SANGUETT f. (L. sanguis, blood) Sanguisuga f. Leech
SANT adj., m. f., m. pl. SIENT (L. sanctus, sacred) Santo adj. Saint
SANTUAR(IE) m. Santuario m. Sanctuary
SAPÈ, SAPUT (L. sapere, to have knowledge of) Sapere Know
SAPON m. (L. sapo, saponis, soap) Sapone m. Soap
SAPURIT adj. (L. sapor, taste) Saporito adj. Tasty, flavourful
SARCHIÈ, SARCHIET (L. sarculus, hoe) Sarchiare Weed, till (gently around plants)
SART m. f. (L. sartor, fixer) Sarto m., f. -a Tailor
SATTOR m. (exigere, to exact) Esattore m. Collector of taxes
SBAGL(IE) m. Sbaglio m. Error, mistake
SBAGLIÉ, SBAGLIET Sbagliare Make a mistake
SBALLÁ, SBALLAT; chi sà a dò z'er(a) sballat, who knows where he ended up living Andare a finire, perdersi End up, get lost, live in a remote place
SBARAZZÁ, SBARAZZAT Sbarazzare Clear out
SBARCÁ, SBARCAT (L. barca, raft, boat) Sbarcare Disembark
SBARRELL also STAMPELL or STAMBELL f. Stampella f. Crutch
SBATT, SBATTUT (L. battuere, to beat) Sbattere Slam, whip (an egg, a rug)
SBIANCÁ, SBIANCAT Sbiancare Whitewash
SBRIGHIÉ, SBRIGHIET (L. briga, dispute) Sbrigare, -si Hasten, manage, get out of trouble
SBUCCÁ, SBUCCAT Sboccare Lead into, open or come out into
SCACANAT adj. Sdraiato adj. (come in una poltrona) Slouched
SCACCHIÉ, SCACCHIET Spaccare, dividersi Split
SCAL f. (L. scalae, stairs) Scala f. Ladder
SCALINAT f. (L. scalae, stairs + linea line) Scalinata f. Stairway
SCALLÁ, SCALLAT (L. calidus, warm + dare, to give) Scaldare Heat
SCALTRICCIÈ, SCALTRICCIET (L. scalpturire, to scratch) Scaltrire Scratch (as in looking in the dirt, movements of chickens searching on the ground)
SCALZ adj. (L. excalceus, barefoot) Scalzo adj. Barefoot
SCAMISCIET adj. Scamiciato adj. In shirt sleeve
SCAMPÁ, SCAMPAT (L. ex, out + campus, field, field of battle) Scampare Have a narrow escape
SCANNÁ, SCANNAT (L. canna, cane) Scannare Butcher (by cutting the throat)
SCANSÁ or SCANZÁ, SCANSAT, SCANZAT Scansare Get out of the way, move out of the way
SCAPPÁ, SCAPPAT Scappare Run, run away
SCARAPIELL m. (L. scalpellum, chisel) Scalpello m. Chisel
SCARAPUOCCH(IE) m. Scarabocchio m. Scribble
SCARDAVON m. (L. scarabeus, beetle) Scarafaggio m. Scarab, beetle
SCARICÀ, SCARICAT (L. ex, out + carrus, cart) Scaricare Unload
SCARP f. Scarpa f. Shoe
SCARPAR m. Calzolaio m. Cobbler, shoemaker
SCARRUPUÁ, SCARRUPUAT (L. scarifo, to scratch open + rumpere, to break??) Sbriciolare Crumble (of a house, wall)
SCART m. Scarto m. Reject
SCARTÁ, SCARTAT Scartare Reject
SCASSÁ, SCASSAT Scassare Plow deep (as in the preparation land to plant a vineyard)
SCATL f. Scatola f. Box
SC'CAFFATON m. Schiaffo m. Slap
SC'CHIEPP f. Scheggia f., truciolo m. Wood chip
SC'CHIF m., fa sc'chif, to disgust Schifo m. Disgust
SC'CUM f. (L. spuma, foam) Schiuma f. Foam, froth
SC'CUMATOR f. Schiumaiola f. Skimmer
SC'CUPPETT Pistola f. Pistol
SCEGL, SCILT (L. ex, from + eligere, elect) Scegliere Choose
SCERT f. Treccia f. (di cipolle, granturco, agli, etc.) braid (only of onions, corn, garlic, etc.)
SCHEGG f. Scheggia f. Chip, fragment
SCHEL(E)TR m. Scheletro m. Skeleton
SCHIN f. Schiena f. Back
SCÌ, SCIUT (L. exire, to go out) Uscire Go out
SCIAPIT adj. (L. ex, out, without + sapere, to taste) Scipito adj. Insipid, bland, tasteless
SCIARP f. Sciarpa f. Scarf
SCIENZ f. (L. scientia, knowledge) Scienza f. Science
SCIGLITUR f. Scarto m. Discard
SCIMM(IE) f. (L. simia, ape) Scimmia f. Monkey
SCIOGL, SCIOLT (L. ex, out + solvere, untie) Sciogliere Untie
SCIONN f. Culla f. Cradle
SCIUPUAT adj. Sciupato adj. Worn out, run down
SCIUVULUÁ, SCIUVULUAT Scivolare Slide, glide
SCIALL m. Scialle m. Shawl
SCOL f. (L. schola, school) Scuola f. School
SCOLAPAST m. Colapasta m. Colander
SCORC f. (L. ex, out + cortex, bark) Scorza f. Peel, bark
SCRIV, SCRITT (L. scribere, to write) Scrivere Write
SCRIVANI(IE) f. Scrivania f. Desk
SCRUPPELL f. Frittella f. Fritter (usually sweet)
SC'STIZZ f. Goccia f. Drop
SCUAL m., pl. SCHIEL (L. scalae, stairs) Scalino m. Step
SCUCCIÁ, SCUCCIAT Scocciare Bother, annoy
SCUDELL f. (L. scutella, bowl) Scodella f. Bowl
SCUFANAT adj. Ghiottone adj. Glotton
SCULLÁ, SCULLAT Scollare Unglue
SCULURÌ, SCULURIT Scolorire Discolor
SCUMMETT, SCUMMISS (L. cum, with + mittere, to put??) Scommettere Bet
SCUMMON(I)CH m. Maledetto m., briccone m. Cursed (not in a religious sense), rascal
SCUMPARÌ, SCUMPARIT (L. ex, out + cum, with + parere, to appear); fà scumparì, to embarrass Scomparire Disappear
SCUMPONN, SCUMPUOST (L. ex, out + cum, with + ponere, to put) Scomporre Dismantle, take apart
SCUPPÁ, SCUPPAT Separare, grattare Scratch (a crust of a sore), pick, break away
SCUPPIÁ, SCUPPIAT Scoppiare Blow up
SCUPRÌ, SCUPIERT (L. ex, out + operire, to cover) Scoprire Discover, uncover
SCUR adj. (L. obscurus, dark) Oscuro adj. Dark
SCURDÁ, SCURDAT (L. ex, out + cor, cordis, heart??) Scordare, -si Forget
SCUSCÌ, SCUSCIT Scucire Unstitch
SCUSUÁ, SCUSUAT (L. excusare, to excuse) Scusare Excuse
SDIGNIÈ, SDIGNET Sdegnare, indolenzire Scorn, repel, to be sore (when referring to a part of the body)
Sua adj. pr. Her, hers
SE(IE) adj. (L. sex, six) Sei adj. Six
SEC(O)L m. (L. speculum, century) Secolo m. Century
SECÁ, SECAT (L. secare, to cut) Segare Saw
SECATUR f. Segatura f. Sawdust
SECCÁ, SECCAT also SICCÁ (L. siccare, to dry) Seccare Dry, wither
SECCH(IE) f. (L. situla, bucket) Secchia f. Bucket (wooden)
SECH m. (L. seculum, century) Sega f. Saw
SECOND m., adj., adv. also SICOND (L. secundus, second) Secondo m., adj., adv. Second, according to
SEGG f. (L. sella, chair) Sedia f. Chair
SEICIENT adj. (L. sescenti, six hundred) Seicento adj. Six hundred
SELL f. (L. sella, chair) Sella f. Saddle
SEMBRÀ, SEMBRAT (L. simulare, to seem) Sembrare Seem
SEMPR adv. (L. semper, always) Sempre adv. Always
SENGH f. Fessura f. Crack
SENZ prep. (L. sine, without) Senza prep. Without
SER f. (L. serus, late) Sera f. Evening
SERAT f. (L. serus, late) Serata f. Evening (duration)
SERIN adj. also SIRIN (L. serenus, clear, bright) Sereno adj. Clear, cloudless
SERP f. (L. serpens, snake) Serpe f., serpente m. Snake
SERRÁ, SERRAT (L. sera, bolt; L. serare, to bolt) Serrare Close
SERRATUR f. Serratura f. Lock
SERVÌ SIRVUT also SIRVÌ, SIRVUT (L. servire, to serve) Servire Need
SES f. Mammella f. Breast
SEST adj. (L. sextus, sixth) Sesto adj. Sixth
SET f. (L. saeta, bristle) Seta f. Silk
SET f. (L. sitis, thirst) tiné set, to be thirsty Sete f. Thirst
SETL f. (L. saeta, bristle) Setola f. Bristle
SETT adj. (L. septem, seven) Sette adj. Seven
SETT(I)M adj. (L. septimus, seventh) Settimo adj. Seventh
SETTÁ also ASSETTÁ, SETTAT or ASSETTAT (L. sedere, to sit) Sedere, -si Sit
SETTICIENT adj. (L. septingenti, seven hundred) Settecento adj. Seven hundred
SETTIMAN f. also SITTIMAN (L. septem, seven + mane, morning) Settimana f. Week
SFASCIÁ, SFASCIAT Sfasciare, rompere Break, disable, smash
SFLATÁ, SFLATAT (L. ex or s-, out + flatus, breath) Sfiatare Be out of breath (flat, as of carbonated drink)
SFOTT, SFUTTUT Sfottere Tease, aggravate
SFUCÁ, SFUCAT Sfogare Vent, to give vent to
SFUNNÁ, SFUNNAT (L. sine, without + fundus, bottom) Sfondare Break through
SFURTUNAT adj. (L. ex or s-, out + fortuna, luck) Sfortunato adj. Unlucky
SGARBAT adj. Sgarbato adj. Rude, clumsy
SGRAT adj. (L. ex or s-, without + gratus, agreable) Egoista adj. Selfish, more exactly said of a person who does not share with others
SICCH adj. (L. siccus, dry) Magro adj., secco Skinny, dry
SICCH(IE) m. (L. situla, bucket) Secchio m. Pail, bucket
SICR m. Sigaro m. Cigar
SICUR adj. (L. securus, safe) Sicuro adj. Sure
SÌDIC adj. (L. sedecim, sixteen) Sedici adj. Sixteen
SIÈ adj. pr. m. (L. suus, his) Suo adj. pr. m. His
SIER m. Siero m. Serum (in the dialect the sier was the water with little flakes of fresh cheese left from the cheese making process; it was drunk as a refreshing drink)
SIGARETT f. Sigaretta f. Cigarette
SIGNAL (L. signum, sign) Segnale Sign
SILLAMPÀ, SILLAMPAT Lampeggiare Be lightening
SINDA(CH) m. (Gr. Syndicos, elected representative of the state) Sindaco m. Mayor
SINISTR adj. (L. sinister, left) more common CHIORT as in: mien chiort, left hand Sinistro adj. Left
SINTÌ, SINTUT (L. sentire, perceive, feel) Sentire Hear
SIPULTUR f. (L. sepultura, burial) Sepoltura f. Burial (also a shabby dwelling little or no light)
SIRIN adj. (L. serenus, clear) Sereno adj. Fair, cloudless
SISSANT adj. (L. sexaginta, sixty) Sessanta adj. Sixty
SIST, SISTUT (L. exsistere, to exist) Esistere Exist
SISTEMÁ or SISTIMÁ, SISTIMAT Sistemare Settle, arrange
SITACC m. Setaccio m., staccio m. Sifter (for flour)
SITTANT adj. (L. septuaginta, seventy) Settanta adj. Seventy
SITTIEMBR m. (L. september, September) Settembre m. September
SITUÀ, SITUAT (L. situs, place) Situare Situate
SITUAZION f. (L. situs, place) Situazione f. Situation
SMELATOR m. Smelatore Honey extractor
SOBBR prep. (L. supra, on) Sopra prep. On, on top of
SOC(E)R f. (L. socera, mother-in-law) Suocera f. Mother-in-law
SOCIETÁ f. also SUCIETÁ (L. societas, association) Società f. Society, association
SOL adj., adv. (L. solus, only) Solo adj., adv. Only, alone
SOL m. (L. sol, sun) Sole m. Sun
SOLD m. (L. solidus, solid, whole); In the s. indicates a coin or penny, in the pl. means money Soldo m. Money, coin
SOR f. (L. soror, sister) Sorella f. Sister
SORG m. (L. sorex, soricis, fieldmouse) Sorcio m., topo m. Mouse
SOTT adv., prep. (L. subter, under) Sotto adv., prep. Under
SPACCÁ, SPACCAT Spaccare Split
SPALL f. (L. spatula, flat object) Spalla f. Shoulder
SPARÁ, SPARAT Sparare Shoot
SPARIELL m. Cuscinetto m. (usato dalle donne sulla testa per portare canestri, etc.) Cushion (small cushion used by women on their heads to carry loads)
SPARIVIER m. Sparviero m. Hawk
SPAS f. (L. spargere, to spread??) Scodella f. Bowl, serving bowl
SPASS m. i a spass, to take a walk; stà a spass, to be out of work Spasso m. andare a spasso Stroll, take a walk
SPECCH(IE) m. (L. speculum, mirror) Specchio m. Mirror
SPELT f. Avena f. Oats
SPENN, SPIS (L. ex, out + pendere, to pay) Spendere Spend
SPETTÁ, SPETTAT (L. spectare, to consider) Spettare Belong (by allocation or inheritance)
SPI(IE) f., fa la spi(ie), to spy Spia f. Spy
SPICCIÉ, SPICCIET Spicciare, sbrigare, pettinare Finish, to comb
SPICH f. (L. spica, ear of grain) Spiga f. Panicle or ear of wheat, com, oats, etc.
SPICIAL adj. (L. species, fine looking) Speciale adj. Special
SPIN m. (L. spina, thorn) Spino m. Thorn
SPION m. Spione m. Spy
SPISS adv. (L. spissus, thick, dense) Spesso adv. Often
SPLANTÁ, SPLANTAT (L. ex, out + planta, plant) ti puozz(a) splantá, may you become extinct or uprooted; this expression was used as a mild cuss to; someone who has done a bad thing. Spiantare Uproot
SPOGN f. (Gr. sponchia, sponge) Spugna f. Sponge
SPRANZON m. Fannullone m. Good for nothing
SPREM, SPREMUT also SPRIMUT (L. premere, to press) Spremere Press, squeeze
SPUACH m. Spago m. String
SPUGLIÉ, SPUGLIET (L. spoliare, to strip of clothes) Spogliare, -si Undress
SPUNTÁ, SPUNTAT Spuntare, sbottonare Rise, appear, unbotton
SPUORCH adj. (L. spurcus, filthy) Sporco adj. Dirty, filthy
SPUORT m. (L. ex, out + porticus, porch) Portico m. Porch
SPURTIELL m. (L. ex, out + porta, door) Sportello m. Window, ticket window
SPUSÁ, SPUSAT (L. spondere, to pledge) Sposare Marry
SPUSALIZ(IE) m. Sposalizio m. Marriage ceremony
SPUSTÁ, SPUSTAT (L. ex, out + ponere, to put) Spostare Move, change place
SPUTUÁ, SPUTUAT also SPUTAT (L. sputare, to spit) Sputare Spit
SQUADR f. Squadra f. Team
SQUAGLIÉ, SQUAGLIET Squagliare, struggere Melt
STÁ, STAT (L. stare, to stand) Stare Be, be at
STACC m. also SITACC m. Staccio m., setaccio m. Sifter (for flour)
STACCÁ, STACCAT Staccare Detach
STAGGION f. (L. statio, station) Stagione f. Season
STAGN m. (L. stannum, tin) Stagno m. Tin
STAGNAR m. (L. stannum, tin) Stagnino m. Tinsmith
STALL f. (L. stabulum, stable) Stalla f. Stable
STANCH adj. Stanco adj. Tired
STANZ f. (L. stare, to be at) Stanza f. Room
STAT m. (L. status, form of government) Stato m. Government
STAZION f. (L. statio, station) Stazione f. Station
STELL f. (L. stella, star) Stella f. Star
STESS adj. (L. iste ipse, this same one) Stesso adj. Same
STIGL m. Pagliaio m., meta f. Haystack
STIP m. (L. stipare, to pack) Stipo m. Cabinet
STOFF f. (L. stuppa, flax, hemp) Stoffa f. Cloth, material
STOM(A)CH m. (Gr. stomachos, stomach) Stomaco m. Stomach
STOR(IE) f. (L. historia, history, story) Storia f. History, story
STRACCIÁ, STRACCIAT Stracciare Tear, rip
STRAFUTTENT adj. Strafottente adj. Arrogant, impudent
STRISC f. Striscia f. Strip
STRITT adj., f. STRETT (L. strictus, close, narrow) Stretto adj. Narrow, tight
STRU(IE), STRUTT (L. destruere, to destroy) Struggere Melt
STRUACC m. Straccio m. Rag, tear
STRUIT adj. (L. instruere, instruct) Istruito adj. Educated
STRUMENT m. (L. instrumentum, document) Strumento m. Bill of sale (a legal bill of sale of property)
STRUPPIET adj. Storpio adj. Crippled, handicapped
STRUV(I)LATOR f. Asse f. (da lavandaia) Washing board
STUACCH m. or STACCARIELL, f. STACCH or STACCARELL Asino m., f. asina (giovane) Donkey (young)
STUDENT m. (L. studere, to apply oneself) Studente m. Student
STUNÀ, STUNAT (L. ex, out + tonus, tune) Stonare Sing out of tune, to be in a daze
STUOCCH m. Sega f. (a lama lunga e con due manici di legno) Saw (large saw with two wooden handles)
STUORT adj., f. STORT Storto adj. Crooked, left
STURTÁ, STURTAT (L. torquere, to twist) Storcere Twist
STUVAL m. Stivale m. Boot, legging to work in the fields
SUACCH m., pl. SIECH or SACCHR (L. saccus, bag) Sacco m. Bag, sack
SUB(I)T adv. (L. subito, suddenly) Subito adv. Quickly
SUCCED, SUCCEDUT also SUCCESS and SUCCIESS (L. succedere, to come out next) Succedere Happen
SUCH m. (L. sucus, juice) fa lu such, to make the sauce Sugo m., succo m. Juice, spaghetti sauce
SUDOR m. (L. sudor, sweat) Sudore m. Perspiration, sweat
SUDUÁ, SUDUAT (L. sudare, to perspire) Sudare Perspire
SUFFRÌ, SUFFERT also ZUFFRÌ and ZUFFERT (L. sufferre, to suffer) Soffrire Suffer
SUM(E)NTÁ, SUM(E)NTAT (L. seminare, to sow) Seminare Sow
SUMENT f. (L. semen, seed) Semenza f. Seed
SUNÁ, SUNAT (L. sonare, to sound) Suonare Ring, play an instrument
SUNNÁ, SUNNAT (L. somniare, to dream) Sognare Dream
SUOC(E)R m. (L. socer, father-in-law) Suocero m. Father-in-law
SUON m. (L. sonus, noise) Suono m. Sound, ring
SUONN m. (L. somnium, dream) tenè suonn, to be sleepy; fa li suonn, to have dreams Sogno m. Dream
SUPERB adj. (L. superbus, arrogant) Superbo adj., arrogante Haughty, arrogant
SUPERB(IE) f. Superbia f. Haughtiness, arrogance
SUPPURTÁ, SUPPURTAT (L. supportare, to carry) Sopportare Support, tolerate
SUPRESCIAT f. also SUPRISCIAT (L. sub, under + premere, to press) Soppressata f. Sausage (lean and cured under a weight)
SURD adj., f. SORD (L. surdus, deaf) Sordo adj. Deaf
SUSPIR m. (L. suspirium, deep sigh) Sospiro m. Sigh
SUSPIRIÈ, SUSPIRIET (L. suspirare, to sigh) Sospirare Sigh
SUVR m. (L. suber, cork) Sughero m. Cork
SVIGLIÈ, SVIGLIET (L. vigilare, to be awake) Svegliare Wake up