LA art. f.; pl. li (L. illa, that) |
La art. f. |
The |
LA pr. f. (L. illa, illam, that) |
La pr. f. |
Her, it |
LACCITT m. (L. laqueus, snarl, noose) |
Laccetto m. |
Shoe string |
LACR(I)M f. (L. lacrima, tear) lacrim di sangh, bitter tears |
Lacrima f. |
Tear |
LAMARIELL m. (L. hamus, fish hook) |
Amo m. |
Hook, fish hook |
LAMATUR f. (L. lama, swamp, bog) |
Lama f. |
Wet or soft land |
LAMENTÁ, LAMENTAT (L. lamentari, to lament) |
Lamentare, -si |
Complain |
Lametta f. |
Blade, razor blade |
LAMP m. also SILLAMP (Gr. lampas, lantem) pl. LIEMP |
Lampo m. |
Lightening |
LAMP(A)D f. lamp(a)d a uogl, oil lamp |
Lampada f. |
Lamp |
Lampadario m. |
Chandelier |
Lampadina f. |
Light bulb |
LAN f. (L. lana, wool) |
Lana f. |
Wool |
LANIFIC(IE) m. (L. lana, wool + facere, to make) |
Lanificio m. |
Woolen mill |
LAPP(I)S m. |
Lapis m., matita f. |
Pencil |
LAR(IE) m. and adj. (L. largus, large) |
Largo m. and adj. |
Wide, large opening or square |
LARD m. |
Lardo m. |
Lard, salt pork |
LASSÁ, LASSAT (L. laxare, to widen) |
Lasciare |
Leave |
LATR m. and adj. also LADR (L. latro, mercenary, bandit) |
Ladro m. and adj. |
Thief |
LATT m. (L. lac, lactis, milk) |
Latte m. |
Milk |
Lattaio m. |
Milkman |
LAVÁ, LAVAT (L. lavare, to wash) |
Lavare |
Wash |
Lavagna f. |
Blackboard |
LAVATUR m. (L. lavare, to wash) |
Lavatoio m. |
Washing place (at a river or a fountain) |
LAVOR m., pl. LAVUR (L. labor, work) |
Lavoro m. |
Work |
LAVORATOR adj. (L. laborare, to work) |
Lavoratore adj. |
Worker |
LAVURÁ, LAVURAT (L. laborare, to work) |
Lavorare |
Work |
LAZZARON m. and adj. |
Lazzarone m. and adj. |
Scoundrel, cad |
LEBBR m. (L. lepus, hare) |
Lepre f. |
Hare |
LECCH f. |
Schiumarola f. (di rame, senza buchi per ricavare l'olio alla superficie di un tino pieno d'acqua) |
Skimmer for oil |
LEGG f. (L. lex, legis, law) |
Legge f. |
Law |
LEGG, LIGGIUT (L. legere, to read) |
Leggere |
Read |
LEN f. (L. lignum, wood) fa li len, to go and cut some wood) |
Legna f. |
Wood |
LENGH f. (L. lingua, tongue) |
Lingua f. |
Tongue |
LEON m. also LI'ON (L. leo, leonis, lion) |
Leone m. |
Lion |
LETTR f. (L. litterae, letter) |
Lettera f. |
Letter |
LEVÁ, LUVAT also LUVÁ (L. levare, to take away) |
Levare, -si |
Take away |
LEZION f. (L. lectio, lectionis, reading) |
Lezione f. |
Lesson |
LI pr. (L. illi, those) |
Li, le, loro pr. |
Them |
LIBBR f. (L. libra, balance) |
Libbra f. |
Pound |
LIBBR adj. (L. liber, free) |
Libero adj. |
Free, unoccupied |
LIBBR m. (L. liber, book) |
Libro m. |
Book |
Libretto (postale, di banca) m. |
Bank book |
LICCÁ, LICCAT (L. lingere, to lick) |
Leccare |
Lick |
LICENZ f. (L. licentia, license) |
Licenza f. |
Permit, furlow |
LIETT m. (L. lectus, bed) |
Letto m. |
Bed |
LIEV(I)T m. (L. levare, levitum, to raise) |
Lievito m. |
Yeast |
LIGGIER adj. (L. levis, light) |
Leggero adj. |
Light |
LIM f. (L. lima, file) |
Lima f. |
File |
LIMON m. (Ar. limun, lemon) |
Limone m. |
Lemon |
LIN(EIE) f. (L. linea, line) |
Linea f. |
Line |
LINTICCH(IE) f. (L. lens, lentis, lentil) |
Lenticchia f. |
Lentil |
LINZUOL m. (L. linteolum, small linen cloth) |
Lenzuolo m. |
Sheet |
LIR f. (L. libra, balance) |
Lira f. |
Lira |
LISC adj. |
Liscio adj. |
Smooth |
LISC f. |
Ardesia f. |
Slate (natural slab of soft slate used rustic floors of houses, roofs, porche or terrace floors) |
LIST f. |
Lista f. |
List |
LITICHIÉ, LITICHIET (L. litigare, to quarrel) |
Litigare |
Quarrel |
LITR m. (Gr. litra, pound) |
Litro m. |
Liter |
LIV f. (L. oliva, olive) |
Uliva f. |
Olive |
LIVEL m. (L. libella, level) passagg a livel, railroad crossing |
Livello m. |
Level |
Grido m. |
Scream |
LONTR f. (L. lutra, otter) |
Lontra f. |
Otter |
LOR pr. (L. apheresis of illorum, of those) |
Loro pr. |
They |
LOTT f. (L. lucta, wrestling) |
Lotta f. |
Wrestling |
LU art. m.; l',; pl. LI (L. ille, illud, illi, that, those) |
Il, l', art. m., |
The |
LU pr. (L. illum, that) |
Lo, l', pr. |
Him, it |
LUABBR m.; pl. LABBR (L. labrum, lip) |
Labbro m. |
Lip |
LUACC m.; pl. LIECC |
Sedano m. |
Celery |
LUACH m. (L. lacus, lake) |
Lago m. |
Lake |
LUAT m.; pl. LIET (L. latus, side) |
Lato m. |
Side |
LUC f. (L. lux, lucis) |
Luce f. |
Light |
LUCENT adj. |
Lucente adj. |
Shiny |
LUCIACAPPELL f. (L. lux, light + capella, star of Auriga??) |
Lucciola |
Firefly |
Luce, piccola luce |
Light, small light, glimmer |
LUCI'T adj. (L. lucidus, shiny) _ pi li scarp, shoe polish |
Lucido adj.; cera da scarpe f. |
Shiny, shoepolish |
LUGL m. (L. julius, Julius) |
Luglio m. |
July |
LUM m. (L. lumen, light) |
Lume m. |
Light |
LUN f. (L. luna, moon) |
Luna f. |
Moon |
LUNEDDÌ m. (L. lunae dies, day of the moon) |
Lunedì m. |
Monday |
LUNGH adj.; f. longh (L. longus, long) |
Lungo adj. |
Long |
LUNTAN adv. and adj. (L. longus, longitanus, far) |
Lontano adv. and adj. |
Far |
LUNTERN f. (L. lanterna, lantern) |
Lanterna f. |
Lantern |
LUOCH m. (L. locus, place) |
Luogo m. |
Place, spot |
LUP m. dim. LUPITT (L. lupus, wolf) |
Lupo m. |
Wolf |
Bucato m. |
Washing |
LUTT m. (L. luctus, mourning) sta' a lutt, to be in mourning |
Lutto m. |
Mourning |