M(E)TÁ f. (L. medietas, mean, half) m. |
Metá f. |
Half |
M(I) ref. pr. (L. me, me) |
Mi ref. pr. |
Myself |
MA conj. (L. magis, more) |
Ma conj. |
But |
MA(IE) adv. (L. magis, more used in negative) |
Mai |
Never |
MAC(I)N f. (L. machina, engine) |
Macina f. |
Mill stone |
Fisciù m., fazzoletto da collo |
Kerchief, commonly us women to cover the head |
MACCH(IE) f. (L. macula, stain) |
Macchia f. |
Spot |
Macchiare |
Spot |
MACELLAR or MACILLAR m. (L. macellum, butcher shop) |
Macellaio m. |
Butcher |
MACER(IE) (L. maceria, stone wall) |
Maceria f. |
Ruins, stone pile |
MACH(I)N f. (L. machina, machine) _ pi cuscì, sewing machine; _ pi scriv, typewriter; _ pi la vign, sprayer for the vineyard |
Macchina f. |
Machine |
MACIELL m. also chieng f., (L. macellum, butcher shop) |
Macelleria f., macello m. |
Butcher shop, disaster |
Macinare |
Grind, mill |
MACIRIN f., (L. maceria, stone pile found in fields) |
Maceria f. |
Stone pile, cairn |
MADD(I)MAN adv. (L. ista, this + mane, morning) |
Stamattina adv. |
Morning, this_ |
MAESTR m. f. (L. magister, teacher) |
Maestro m., f. -a |
Teacher |
MAGG m. (L. maius, goddess Maja) |
Maggio m. |
May |
MAGL f. (L. macula, small iron ring) |
Maglia f. |
Sweater |
MAGLIUOL m. (L. malleolus, small hammer) |
Magliolo m. |
Grapevine (twig) |
MAGNAFICH f. (L. manducare, to eat + ficus, fig) |
Ghiandaia f. |
Jay (type of a yellow jay) |
MAGNATOR f. (L. manducare, to eat) |
Mangiatoia f. |
Manger |
Cibo m. |
Food |
MAGNIÉ, MAGNIET (L. manducare, to eat) |
Mangiare |
Eat |
MAIES f., fa la maies, to till the land for seeding |
Zappatura, aratura f. |
Tilling (of farmland) |
MAL m. (L. male, badly) |
Male m. |
Evil, bad |
MALADUCAT adj. (L. male, badly + educare, to bring up) |
Maleducato adj. |
Ill mannered |
Malattia f. |
Disease, malady |
MALIGN adj. (L. malignus, malicious) |
Maligno adj. |
Malign, shrewd, mean |
MALINTINZIUNAT adj. (L. male, badly + intendere, to aim) |
Malintenzionato adj. |
Evil minded |
MALIZIUS adj. (L. malitiosus, crafty) |
Malizioso adj. |
Cunning, shrewd |
Malocchio m. |
Evil eye |
MALV f. (L. malva, mallow) |
Malva f. |
Mallow |
MAMM f. (L. mamma, woman's breast) |
Mamma f. |
Mother, mom |
MAMMUCC diminuitive used in exclamations of endearement or commiseration: vi ecch mammucc sé!, come here to grandmother; mammucc sé! poor soul! |
Nonna f. |
Grandmother |
MANAT f. (L. manus, hand) |
Manata f. |
Handful |
MANCÁ, MANCAT (L. mancus, crippled, imperfect...thus lacking) |
Mancare |
Lack, miss |
MANCH adv. |
Neanche adv. |
Not even |
MANDR f. (Gr. mandra, stable) |
Gregge m. |
Flock (of animals) |
Recinto m. |
Pen (small pen for animals, usually made of sticks) |
MANIER m. (L. manus, hand + aeramen, copper ??) |
Ramaiolo m. |
Ladle (large copper ladle used to get water from the "conch") |
MANIGL f. (L. manicula, little hand) |
Maniglia f. |
Handle (door, furniture) |
Seccare |
Die (plants), wither |
MANNÁ, MANNAT (L. mandare, to send) |
Mandare |
Send |
MANNAR f. (L. mannaria, type of ax) |
Mannaia or mannara f. |
Cleaver |
Tovaglia f., mantile m. |
Tablecloth |
MANTISIN m. (L. mantus, cover + sinus, breast ??) |
Grembiule m. |
Apron |
Grembiule m. |
Apron (large waist apron also used to store and carry vegetable when picked) |
Tovagliolo m. |
Napkin |
MANUOPPL m. (L. manipulus, handful) |
Covone m. |
Bundle of cut wheat |
MANUVAL m. (L. manus, hand + valere, to be capable) |
Manovale m. |
Labourer (usually in construction) |
MAR m. (L. mare, sea) |
Mare m. |
Sea |
Bruco m. |
Caterpillar |
MARC f. |
Marcia f. |
March |
MARCH f. |
Marca f. |
Brand |
MARINAR m. (L. mare, sea) |
Marinaio m. |
Sailor |
MARIT m. (L. maritus, husband) |
Marito m. |
Husband |
MARITÁ or MARITIÉ, MARITAT or MARITIET (L. maritare, to marry) |
Maritare |
Marry |
MARM m. |
Marmo m. |
Marble |
MARMELLAT f. (L. melimela, honey apple) |
Marmellata f. |
Marmalade |
MARTEDÌ m. (L. martis dies, day of Mars) |
Martedì |
Tuesday |
MARTIELL m. (L. marculus, martellus, hammer) |
Martello m. |
Hammer |
Chiocciola f. (grande) |
Snail (large) |
MARZ m. (L. martius mensis, month of Mars) |
Marzo m. |
March |
MASCALZON m. and adj. |
Mascalzone m. and adj. |
Scoundrel |
Serratura f. |
Lock, door lock |
MASCELL f. (L. maxilla, jaw) |
Mascella f. |
Jaw |
MASCHL adj. m. (L. masculus, male) |
Maschio adj. m. |
Male |
Maschera f. |
Mask |
MASSAR(IE) f. (L. massa, country house) |
Masseria f. |
Farmhouse |
MASSER adv. (L. magis, more + serus, late) |
Stasera adv. |
Tonight |
Materasso m. |
Mattress |
Matassa f. |
Skein |
Materiale m. |
Material |
MATIN f. (L. matutinus, morning or tempora matutina, early hours) |
Mattino m. or mattina f. |
Morning |
MATON m., pl. MATUN |
Mattone m. |
Brick |
MATRIMON(IE) m. (L. matrimonium, matrimony) |
Matrimonio m. |
Marriage |
Mattonella f. |
Tile (for floor or wall) |
MATUR adj. (L. maturus, ripe) |
Maturo adj. |
Ripe |
MATURUÁ, MATURUAT (L. maturare, to ripen) |
Maturare |
Ripen |
MAZZ f. |
Mazza f., bastone m. |
Stick, club |
Fionda f. |
Slingshot (made with rope) |
Mazzuolo f. |
Sledge hammer |
MÉ adj., pr. (L. meus, mea, my) |
Mia adj., pr. |
My, mine |
MEDAGL f. (L. metallum, metal money) |
Medaglia f. |
Medal |
MEGL adj. (L. melior, better) |
Meglio adj. |
Better |
MEL f., also MIL m. (L. malum, apple) |
Mela f. |
Apple |
MEL m. (L. mel, honey) |
Miele m. |
Honey |
MEMOR(IE) f. (L. memoria, memory) |
Memoria f. |
Memory |
MEN adv. (L. minus, less); menumal!, thank goodness |
Meno adv. |
Less |
MENT f. (L. mens, mind) |
Mente f. |
Mind |
MENTR adv. (L. dum, while + interim, meanwhile) |
Mentre adv. |
While |
MERC f. (L. merx, mercis, merchandise) |
Merce f. |
Merchandise |
MERC(O)LEDÌ m. (L. mercurii dies, day of Mercury) |
Mercoledì m. |
Wednesday |
MES f. (L. mensa, table or mestare, to mix ??) |
Madia f. (per pestare l'uva) |
Bin or trough for crushing |
MES m. (L. mensis, month) |
Mese m. |
Month |
MESS f. (L. missa, mass) |
Messa f. |
Mass |
MET f. (L. meta, marker, conic mass) |
Meta f. |
Pile (of wheat bundles like an house) |
MET, METUT or MITUT (L. metere, to reap) |
Mietere |
Reap, harvest |
METT, MISS (L. mittere, to put or place) |
Mettere |
Put |
METR m. (Gr. metron, measure) |
Metro m. |
Meter |
MEZZANOTT f. (L. medius, half + nox, night) |
Mezzanotte f. |
Midnight |
MEZZOR f. (L. medius, half + hora, hour) |
Mezzora f. |
Half an hour |
MIDICIN f. (L. medicina, medicine) |
Medicina f. |
Medication, medicine |
MIDULL m. (L. medulla, marrow) |
Midollo m. |
Marrow |
MIÉ adj. pr. (L. meus, my) |
Mio adj. pr. |
My, mine |
MIED(I)CH m. (L. medicus, doctor) |
Medico m. |
Doctor |
MIEN f. (L. manus, hand) |
Mano f. |
Hand |
MIERL m. f. |
Merlo m. |
Blackbird |
MIEZZ adj., f. MEZZ (L. medius, half, middle) |
Mezzo adj. |
Half |
MIGLICH f. (L. medulla, marrow, middle, centre) |
Mollica f. |
Crumb, soft inner part |
MIGLICR m. (L. umbelicus, belly-botton) |
Ombelico m. |
Belly-botton |
MIL m. (L. malus, apple tree) |
Melo m. |
Apple tree |
MILL adj. (L. mille, thousand) |
Mille adj. |
Thousand |
Melone m. |
Melon |
Minestra f. |
Soup (vegetable) |
MINTON m.; è nu minton, he is stubborn |
Montone |
Ram, mutton |
MINUT m. (L. minutus, minute) |
Minuto m. |
Minute, moment |
Miracolo m. |
Miracle |
MIRITÀ, MIRITAT; also MIRDÁ, MIRDAT (L. meritare, to earn) |
Meritare |
Deserve |
Sorso m. |
Sip |
MIS(U)RUA', MIS(U)RUAT (L. mensurare, to measure) |
Misurare |
Measure |
MISC'CUGL m. (L. miscere, to mix) |
Miscuglio m. |
Mixture |
MISER(IE) f. (L. miseria, poverty); ha vist la miser(ie), he has seen tough times |
Miseria f. |
Poverty |
MISTIER m. (L. ministerium, office, occupation) |
Mestiere m. |
Trade |
MISUR f. (L. mensura, measurement) |
Misura f. |
Measure |
MIZZIIUOR m. (L. medius, middle + diurnun, duration of a day) |
Mezzogiorno m. |
Noon |
MÓ adv. (L. modo, now) |
Ora adv. |
Now |
MOB(I)L m. (L. mobilis, movable) |
Mobile |
Furniture (a piece of- ) |
Mobili m. p. |
Furniture |
MOGL f. (L. mulier, woman) |
Moglie f. |
Wife |
MOGN, MUNT (L. mulgere, to milk) |
Mungere |
Milk |
MOLL f. (L. mollis, flexible) |
Molla f. |
Spring, rubber band |
MORS f. (L. mordere, to bite) |
Morsa f. |
Vise |
MOSCHL f. (L. musca, fly) |
Mosca f. |
Fly |
MOSS f. |
Mossa f. |
Movement, gesture |
MOT m. (L. modus, manner) |
Modo m. |
Manner, way |
MUAST m. (L. bastum, wooden pack saddle) |
Basto m. |
Pack-saddle |
MUAZZ m. |
Mazzo m. |
Bunch |
MUAZZ m. |
Battaglio m. |
Clapper |
MUCCH(IE) m. (L. cumulus, pile, by metathesis) |
Mucchio m. |
Pile |
Mordere |
Bite |
MUFF f. |
Muffa f. |
Mildew |
MULL adj. (L. mollis, soft) |
Molle adj. |
Soft |
MULT f. (L. multa, fine) |
Multa f. |
Fine, penalty |
Pacchetto, fascio m. |
Bundle (specifically contained in a large cloth, usually a strong large apron used by women) |
MUMENT m. (L. momentum, moment) |
Momento m. |
Moment |
MUMM(IE) f. |
Mummia f. |
Mummy (also used to describe a motionless or lifeless person) |
MUNN m. (L. mundus, world) |
Mondo m. |
World |
MUNTAGN f. (L. mons, hill or montaneus, hill shaped) |
Montagna f. |
Mountain |
MUNUMENT m. (L. monumentum, memorial) |
Monumento m. |
Monument |
MUR m. (L. murus, wall) |
Muro m. |
Wall |
MURATOR m. (L. murus, wall) |
Muratore m. |
Bricklayer |
MURÌ, MUORT (L. mori, to die) |
Morire |
Die |
MURTAL m. (L. mortarium, mortar) |
Mortaio m. |
Mortar |
MURUACHL m., pl. MURIECHL (L. morum, blackberry) |
Mora f. |
Raspberry |
MUS(I)CH f. (L. musica, music) |
Musica f. |
Music |
MUSCARELL f. a___ |
Nascondino m., mosca cieca f. |
Hide-and-seek |
MUSÉ m. |
Museo m. |
Museum |
MUSS m. (L. mursus p. p. of mordere, to bite) |
Muso m. |
Snout |
MUSSAROL f. (L. morsus, bite) |
Museruola f. |
Muzzle |
MUSTRÁ, MUSTRAT (L. monstrare, to show) |
Mostrare |
Show, reveal |
Mutande f. pl. |
Underwear, shorts |
MUTIV m. (L. motivus, act of moving) |
Motivo m. |
Motive |
MUTOR m. (L. movere, to move) |
Motore m. |
Motor |
MUZZÁ, MUZZAT (L. mutilus, maimed, thus cut) |
Mozzare, tagliare |
Cut, cut down |