FA, FATT (L. facere, to do, to make) |
Fare |
Do, make |
FABBRICH f. (L. fabrica, workshop, factory) |
Fabbrica f. |
Factory |
FAC(I)L adj. (L. facilis, easy) |
Facile adj. |
Easy |
FACC f. (L. facies, face, shape) |
Faccia f. |
Face |
FACCEND, also FACCENN f. (L. facere, faciendus, something that must be done) |
Faccenda f. |
Matter |
Facchino m. |
Porter |
FACULTÁ f. (L. facultas, mental resource) te tutt li facultá, he has all his faculties |
Facoltá f. |
Faculty, mental resource |
FALC f. (L. falx, falcis, sickle) |
Falce f. |
Scythe |
Falciare |
Mow |
FALCIGL f. (L. falx, falcis, sickle) |
Falcino m. |
Sickle |
FALCONET m. (L. falco, falcon) |
Falco m. |
Falcon |
FALEGNAM m. (L. facere, to do + lignum, wood) |
Falegname m. |
Carpenter |
FALLÌ, FALLIT (L. fallere, to miss, to be mistaken) |
Fallire |
Fail, go bankrupt |
FALZ adj. (L. falsus, false) |
Falso adj. |
False, counterfeit, liar |
FAM f. (L. fames, hunger) |
Fame f. |
Hunger |
FAMIGL f. (L. familia, family) |
Famiglia f. |
Family |
FAMOS adj. (L. famosus, renowned) |
Famoso adj. |
Famous |
FANAL m. (Gr. phanos, lantern) |
Fanale m. |
Headlight, spot light |
FANTASI(IE) f. (Gr. phantasia, fantasy) |
Fantasia f. |
Fantasy |
FARABBUTT m. (Sp. faraute, middleman, thus someone untrustworthy) |
Farabutto m. |
Scoundrel |
Farfalla f. |
Butterfly |
FARIN f. (L. farina, flour) |
Farina f. |
Flour |
FARMACI(IE) f. (Gr. pharmakia, pharmacy) |
Farmacia f. |
Drug store |
FASC f. (L. fascia, bandage) |
Fascia f. |
Band |
FASCETT f. (L. fascis, bundle) |
Fascina f. |
Bundle (of small branches) |
FASCIUOL m. (L. faseolus, bean) |
Fagiolo m. |
Bean |
FASTID(IE) m. (L. fastidium, haughtiness, distaste) |
Fastidio m. |
Bother |
FAT f. (L. fata, magician, goddess of fate, Parca) |
Fata f. |
Fairy |
FATICH f. (L. fatigare, to fatigue, to tire) |
Fatica f. |
Fatigue |
FATT m. (L. factus, something done) |
Fatto m. |
Fact |
Stregone m. |
Sorcerer, magician |
FATTUR f. (L. factura, something to be done) |
Fattura f. |
Bill, spell, the evil eye |
FAF f. (L. faba, bean) |
Fava f. |
Fava bean |
FAVOR m. (L. favor, favor) pi favor, please |
Favore m. |
Favor |
FEBBR f. (L. febris, fever) |
Febbre f. |
Fever |
FEG(A)T also FET(E)C m. (L. ficatum, liver) |
Fegato m. |
Liver |
FELC f. (L. filix, filicis, fern) |
Felce f. |
Fern |
FELIC also FILIC adj. (L. felix, happy, favorable) |
Felice adj. |
Happy |
FELL f. (L. findere, to split) |
Fetta f. |
Slice |
FEMN, also FEMM(E)N and FEMM(I)N f. (L. femina, woman) |
Donna f. |
Woman |
FERÌ, FERIT (L. ferire, to strike) |
Ferire |
Wound |
FERM adj. (L. firmus, tirm) |
Fermo adj. |
Still, motionless |
FERMÁ, FERMAT (L. firmare, to render stable) |
Fermare, -si |
Stop |
FERMENTÁ, FERMENTAT, also FIRMINTÁ (L. fermentum, yeast) |
Fermentare |
Ferment |
FERROV(IE) f. (L. ferrum, iron + via, road) |
Ferrovia f. |
Railroad |
FEST f. (L. festus, holiday, joyous) |
Festa f. |
Feast |
FET f. (L. fides, faith) |
Fede f. |
Faith, wedding ring |
FETÁ, FETAT (L. fetus, bearing, produce) |
Porre, fare |
Lay an egg |
Fiasco m. |
Flask, wine bottle |
FICCHIÉ, FICCHIET (L. figere, drive in) |
Ficcare |
Stick into |
FIC(HE)R f. (L. ficus, fig) |
Fico m. |
Fig |
FIDANZAT adj. (L. fidere, to trust) |
Fidanzato adj. |
Engaged |
FIDUC(IE) f. (L. fiducia, trust) |
Fiducia f. |
Confidence, trust |
FIER f. (L. ferus, fera, wild, wild animal) |
Fiera f. |
Fair |
FIERR m. (L. ferrum, iron) |
Ferro m. |
Iron |
Fiasco m. |
Flask, wine bottle |
FIGL m. f. (L. filius, son) |
Figlio m. -a f. |
Son, daughter |
FIGUR f. (L. tigura, shape, form) fa bon o mal(a) figur, to make a good or bad showing |
Figura f. |
Appearance, holy card |
FIIN or FAIN f. |
Faina f. |
Martin |
FIL f. (L. filum, thread) |
Fila f. |
Line (of people or things) |
FIL m. (L. filum, thread) |
Filo m. |
Thread |
FILIN f. (L. fuligo, fuliginis, soot) |
Fuliggine f. |
Soot |
Torta di formaggio f. |
Cheese cake (sweet or rustic) |
FILIÉ, FILIET (L. filum, thread) |
Filare |
Spin |
FIN f. (L. finis, end) fa la fin, to end up |
Fine f. |
End |
FIN A prep. |
Fino a prep. |
Until |
Finalmente adv. |
Finally |
FINESTR f. (L. fenestra, window) |
Finestra f. |
Window |
FINÌ, FINUT (L. finire, to end) |
Finire |
End |
FINT f. (L. fingere, to disguise) fa fint, to make believe |
Finta f. |
Pretense |
FINZIUN f. pl. fa tant finziun, to make so many pretenses |
Finzione f. |
Pretense |
FIOR m. (L. flos, floris, flower) |
Fiore m. |
Flower |
FIRCIN f. (L. furca, fork) |
Forchetta f. |
Fork |
FIRM f. (L. firmare, to prove, to confirm) |
Firma f. |
Signature |
FIRMÁ, FIRMAT (L. firmare, to prove, to confirm) |
Firmare, fermare |
Sign, stop |
FIRMICH f. (L. formica, ant) |
Formica f. |
Ant |
FIRRAR m. (L. ferrum, iron) |
Fabbro m. |
Blacksmith, farrier |
FISC'CH m. (L. fistula, reed, pipe) |
Fischio m. |
Whistle |
Fischiare |
Whistle |
FISS adj. (L. figere, to attach) |
Fisso adj. |
Fixed |
FLAMM also FIAMM f. (L. flamma, flame) |
Fiamma f. |
Flame |
FLANELL f. (L. lana, wool ??) |
Flanella f. |
flannel |
FLECC f. (L. faex, faecis, sediment) |
Feccia f. |
Sediment |
FLIEN m. (L. fenum, hay) |
Fieno m. |
Hay (from grass, dried and used as a fodder for animals, not to be confused with the hay - straw derived from the stem of wheat) |
Fianco m. |
Side |
FLUAT m. (L. flatus, breathing) |
Fiato m. |
Breath |
FLUM m. (L. flumen, river) |
Fiume m. |
River |
FOGL f. (L. folium, leaf) |
Foglia f. |
Leaf |
FOGL m. (L. folium, leaf) |
Foglio m. |
Sheet (of paper) |
FOGL(IE) f. pl. |
Verdura f. |
Greens, vegetables |
FOLL f. (L. fullo, fuller, stepped on clothes, thus a pile of clothes, a crowd of) |
Folla f. |
Crowd |
FONT f. (L. fons, spring) |
Fontana f. |
Fountain, spring |
FOR(E) adv. (L. foris, outside) |
Fuori adv. |
Outside |
FORCH t. (L. furca, fork) |
Forca f. |
Pitchfork |
FORG f. |
Forgia f. |
Forge |
FORM f. (L. forma, shape, form) |
Forma f. |
Form, also mold, shoe tree |
FORS adv. (L. forsit, perhaps) |
Forse adv. |
Maybe |
FORT adj. (L. fortis, strong) |
Forte adj. |
Strong |
FORZ f. (L. fortis, strong) |
Forza f. |
Strength, force |
FRAC(I)T adj. (L. fracidus, spoiled) |
Fradicio adj. |
Spoiled, rotten |
FRAFFUS adj. also MUCCUS (L. muccus, nasal mucus) |
Moccioso adj. m. |
Mucus exuding, a baby |
FRAN f. (L. fragmen, tragmina, fragment) |
Frana f. |
Landslide |
Francobollo m. |
Stamp |
FRASCARIELL m. pl. (L. frangere, to break or grind ??) |
Polenta f. |
Polenta |
FRASCH f. (L. virescere, to grow green) |
Ramo m. |
Branch (of a tree) |
FRASTIER adj. f. fraster (L. foresta, foris, forest, outside) |
Forestiero adj. |
Stranger, from another town |
FRAT m. (L. frater, brother) |
Fratello m. |
Brother |
FRATT f. (L. frangere, to break, to divide ??) |
Siepe f. |
Hedge, fence |
FREN m. (L. frenare, to control) |
Freno m. |
Brake |
FRENÁ, FRENAT (L. frenare, to control) |
Frenare |
Brake |
FREZZ f. |
Fionda f. |
Slingshot (made with elastic) |
FRI(IE), FRITT (L. frigere, to fry) |
Friggere |
Fry |
FRICATUR (L. fricare, to rub) |
Fregatura f. |
Cheating |
FRIDD m. adj. (L. frigidus, cold) |
Freddo m. and adj. |
Cold weather, cold |
Fresco m. |
Cool weather |
FRITTIET f. (L. frigere, to fry) |
Frittata f. |
Omelet |
FRONT f. (L. frons, frontis, forehead) |
Fronte f. |
Forehead |
Moccio m. |
Mucus (nasal) |
Forma f. (di giunchi per formaggio) |
Mold (of reed for cheese) |
FRUTT f. (L. fructus, fruit) |
Frutta f. |
Fruit |
FUASC m. (L. fascis, bundle) |
Fascio m. |
Bundle |
FUCIL m. |
Fucile m. |
Shotgun |
FUCULUAR m. (L. foculum, fire or place for a fire) |
Focolare m. |
Fireplace |
FUGN m. (L. fungus, mushroom) |
Fungo m. |
Mushroom |
FULM(I)N m. (fulmen, thunderbolt) |
Fulmine m. |
Lightening, thunderbolt |
FULT adj. (L. fulcire, to support, to press) |
Folto adj. |
Thick, crowded, overgrown |
FUM m. (L. fumus, smoke) |
Fumo m. |
Smoke |
FUMUÁ, FUMUAT (L. fumare, to smoke) |
Fumare |
Smoke |
FUN f. (L. funis, rope) |
Fune f. |
Rope |
FUNN m. (L. fundus, bottom) |
Fondo m. |
Bottom |
FUOCH m. (L. focus, fireplace) |
Fuoco m. |
Fire |
FUORC(I)V m., f. (L. forfex, scissors) |
Forbici f. |
Scissors, plant clipper |
FUOSS m. (L. fossa, trench, ditch) |
Fosso m. |
Ditch |
FURB adj. |
Furbo adj. |
Cunning |
Fornello m. |
Grill (indoor small grill) |
FURN m. (L. furnum, oven) |
Forno m. |
Oven |
FURTUN f. (L. fortuna, fortune) |
Fortuna f. |
Fortune, luck |
Fortunato adj. |
Lucky |
FUS m. (L. fusus, spindle) |
Fuso m. |
Spindle |