FA, FATT (L. facere, to do, to make) Fare Do, make
FABBRICH f. (L. fabrica, workshop, factory) Fabbrica f. Factory
FAC(I)L adj. (L. facilis, easy) Facile adj. Easy
FACC f. (L. facies, face, shape) Faccia f. Face
FACCEND, also FACCENN f. (L. facere, faciendus, something that must be done) Faccenda f. Matter
FACCHIN m. Facchino m. Porter
FACULTÁ f. (L. facultas, mental resource) te tutt li facultá, he has all his faculties Facoltá f. Faculty, mental resource
FALC f. (L. falx, falcis, sickle) Falce f. Scythe
FALCIGL f. (L. falx, falcis, sickle) Falcino m. Sickle
FALCONET m. (L. falco, falcon) Falco m. Falcon
FALEGNAM m. (L. facere, to do + lignum, wood) Falegname m. Carpenter
FALLÌ, FALLIT (L. fallere, to miss, to be mistaken) Fallire Fail, go bankrupt
FALZ adj. (L. falsus, false) Falso adj. False, counterfeit, liar
FAM f. (L. fames, hunger) Fame f. Hunger
FAMIGL f. (L. familia, family) Famiglia f. Family
FAMOS adj. (L. famosus, renowned) Famoso adj. Famous
FANAL m. (Gr. phanos, lantern) Fanale m. Headlight, spot light
FANTASI(IE) f. (Gr. phantasia, fantasy) Fantasia f. Fantasy
FARABBUTT m. (Sp. faraute, middleman, thus someone untrustworthy) Farabutto m. Scoundrel
FARFALL f. Farfalla f. Butterfly
FARIN f. (L. farina, flour) Farina f. Flour
FARMACI(IE) f. (Gr. pharmakia, pharmacy) Farmacia f. Drug store
FASC f. (L. fascia, bandage) Fascia f. Band
FASCETT f. (L. fascis, bundle) Fascina f. Bundle (of small branches)
FASCIUOL m. (L. faseolus, bean) Fagiolo m. Bean
FASTID(IE) m. (L. fastidium, haughtiness, distaste) Fastidio m. Bother
FAT f. (L. fata, magician, goddess of fate, Parca) Fata f. Fairy
FATICH f. (L. fatigare, to fatigue, to tire) Fatica f. Fatigue
FATT m. (L. factus, something done) Fatto m. Fact
FATTUCCHIER m. f. Stregone m. Sorcerer, magician
FATTUR f. (L. factura, something to be done) Fattura f. Bill, spell, the evil eye
FAF f. (L. faba, bean) Fava f. Fava bean
FAVOR m. (L. favor, favor) pi favor, please Favore m. Favor
FEBBR f. (L. febris, fever) Febbre f. Fever
FEG(A)T also FET(E)C m. (L. ficatum, liver) Fegato m. Liver
FELC f. (L. filix, filicis, fern) Felce f. Fern
FELIC also FILIC adj. (L. felix, happy, favorable) Felice adj. Happy
FELL f. (L. findere, to split) Fetta f. Slice
FEMN, also FEMM(E)N and FEMM(I)N f. (L. femina, woman) Donna f. Woman
FERÌ, FERIT (L. ferire, to strike) Ferire Wound
FERM adj. (L. firmus, tirm) Fermo adj. Still, motionless
FERMÁ, FERMAT (L. firmare, to render stable) Fermare, -si Stop
FERMENTÁ, FERMENTAT, also FIRMINTÁ (L. fermentum, yeast) Fermentare Ferment
FERROV(IE) f. (L. ferrum, iron + via, road) Ferrovia f. Railroad
FEST f. (L. festus, holiday, joyous) Festa f. Feast
FET f. (L. fides, faith) Fede f. Faith, wedding ring
FETÁ, FETAT (L. fetus, bearing, produce) Porre, fare Lay an egg
FIASCHITT m. Fiasco m. Flask, wine bottle
FICCHIÉ, FICCHIET (L. figere, drive in) Ficcare Stick into
FIC(HE)R f. (L. ficus, fig) Fico m. Fig
FIDANZAT adj. (L. fidere, to trust) Fidanzato adj. Engaged
FIDUC(IE) f. (L. fiducia, trust) Fiducia f. Confidence, trust
FIER f. (L. ferus, fera, wild, wild animal) Fiera f. Fair
FIERR m. (L. ferrum, iron) Ferro m. Iron
FIESCH m. Fiasco m. Flask, wine bottle
FIGL m. f. (L. filius, son) Figlio m. -a f. Son, daughter
FIGUR f. (L. tigura, shape, form) fa bon o mal(a) figur, to make a good or bad showing Figura f. Appearance, holy card
FIIN or FAIN f. Faina f. Martin
FIL f. (L. filum, thread) Fila f. Line (of people or things)
FIL m. (L. filum, thread) Filo m. Thread
FILIN f. (L. fuligo, fuliginis, soot) Fuliggine f. Soot
FILADON m. Torta di formaggio f. Cheese cake (sweet or rustic)
FILIÉ, FILIET (L. filum, thread) Filare Spin
FIN f. (L. finis, end) fa la fin, to end up Fine f. End
FIN A prep. Fino a prep. Until
FINALMENT adv. Finalmente adv. Finally
FINESTR f. (L. fenestra, window) Finestra f. Window
FINÌ, FINUT (L. finire, to end) Finire End
FINT f. (L. fingere, to disguise) fa fint, to make believe Finta f. Pretense
FINZIUN f. pl. fa tant finziun, to make so many pretenses Finzione f. Pretense
FIOR m. (L. flos, floris, flower) Fiore m. Flower
FIRCIN f. (L. furca, fork) Forchetta f. Fork
FIRM f. (L. firmare, to prove, to confirm) Firma f. Signature
FIRMÁ, FIRMAT (L. firmare, to prove, to confirm) Firmare, fermare Sign, stop
FIRMICH f. (L. formica, ant) Formica f. Ant
FIRRAR m. (L. ferrum, iron) Fabbro m. Blacksmith, farrier
FISC'CH m. (L. fistula, reed, pipe) Fischio m. Whistle
FISC'CHIÈ, FISC'CHIET Fischiare Whistle
FISS adj. (L. figere, to attach) Fisso adj. Fixed
FLAMM also FIAMM f. (L. flamma, flame) Fiamma f. Flame
FLANELL f. (L. lana, wool ??) Flanella f. flannel
FLECC f. (L. faex, faecis, sediment) Feccia f. Sediment
FLIEN m. (L. fenum, hay) Fieno m. Hay (from grass, dried and used as a fodder for animals, not to be confused with the hay - straw derived from the stem of wheat)
FLUANCH m. Fianco m. Side
FLUAT m. (L. flatus, breathing) Fiato m. Breath
FLUM m. (L. flumen, river) Fiume m. River
FOGL f. (L. folium, leaf) Foglia f. Leaf
FOGL m. (L. folium, leaf) Foglio m. Sheet (of paper)
FOGL(IE) f. pl. Verdura f. Greens, vegetables
FOLL f. (L. fullo, fuller, stepped on clothes, thus a pile of clothes, a crowd of) Folla f. Crowd
FONT f. (L. fons, spring) Fontana f. Fountain, spring
FOR(E) adv. (L. foris, outside) Fuori adv. Outside
FORCH t. (L. furca, fork) Forca f. Pitchfork
FORG f. Forgia f. Forge
FORM f. (L. forma, shape, form) Forma f. Form, also mold, shoe tree
FORS adv. (L. forsit, perhaps) Forse adv. Maybe
FORT adj. (L. fortis, strong) Forte adj. Strong
FORZ f. (L. fortis, strong) Forza f. Strength, force
FRAC(I)T adj. (L. fracidus, spoiled) Fradicio adj. Spoiled, rotten
FRAFFUS adj. also MUCCUS (L. muccus, nasal mucus) Moccioso adj. m. Mucus exuding, a baby
FRAN f. (L. fragmen, tragmina, fragment) Frana f. Landslide
FRANCHIBULL m. Francobollo m. Stamp
FRASCARIELL m. pl. (L. frangere, to break or grind ??) Polenta f. Polenta
FRASCH f. (L. virescere, to grow green) Ramo m. Branch (of a tree)
FRASTIER adj. f. fraster (L. foresta, foris, forest, outside) Forestiero adj. Stranger, from another town
FRAT m. (L. frater, brother) Fratello m. Brother
FRATT f. (L. frangere, to break, to divide ??) Siepe f. Hedge, fence
FREN m. (L. frenare, to control) Freno m. Brake
FRENÁ, FRENAT (L. frenare, to control) Frenare Brake
FREZZ f. Fionda f. Slingshot (made with elastic)
FRI(IE), FRITT (L. frigere, to fry) Friggere Fry
FRICATUR (L. fricare, to rub) Fregatura f. Cheating
FRIDD m. adj. (L. frigidus, cold) Freddo m. and adj. Cold weather, cold
FRISCH m. Fresco m. Cool weather
FRITTIET f. (L. frigere, to fry) Frittata f. Omelet
FRONT f. (L. frons, frontis, forehead) Fronte f. Forehead
FRUAF m. pl. FRIEFF Moccio m. Mucus (nasal)
FRUSCELL f. Forma f. (di giunchi per formaggio) Mold (of reed for cheese)
FRUTT f. (L. fructus, fruit) Frutta f. Fruit
FUASC m. (L. fascis, bundle) Fascio m. Bundle
FUCIL m. Fucile m. Shotgun
FUCULUAR m. (L. foculum, fire or place for a fire) Focolare m. Fireplace
FUGN m. (L. fungus, mushroom) Fungo m. Mushroom
FULM(I)N m. (fulmen, thunderbolt) Fulmine m. Lightening, thunderbolt
FULT adj. (L. fulcire, to support, to press) Folto adj. Thick, crowded, overgrown
FUM m. (L. fumus, smoke) Fumo m. Smoke
FUMUÁ, FUMUAT (L. fumare, to smoke) Fumare Smoke
FUN f. (L. funis, rope) Fune f. Rope
FUNN m. (L. fundus, bottom) Fondo m. Bottom
FUOCH m. (L. focus, fireplace) Fuoco m. Fire
FUORC(I)V m., f. (L. forfex, scissors) Forbici f. Scissors, plant clipper
FUOSS m. (L. fossa, trench, ditch) Fosso m. Ditch
FURB adj. Furbo adj. Cunning
FURNACELL f. Fornello m. Grill (indoor small grill)
FURN m. (L. furnum, oven) Forno m. Oven
FURTUN f. (L. fortuna, fortune) Fortuna f. Fortune, luck
FURTUNAT adj. Fortunato adj. Lucky
FUS m. (L. fusus, spindle) Fuso m. Spindle