(For about 40 pizzelle)
  • 5 whole eggs (each egg "makes" 7-8 pizzelle);
  • 10 Tbs. of flour (2 for each egg);
  • 10 Tbs. of sugar (2 for each egg);
  • 10 Tbs. of oil or melted butter (2 for each egg);
  • Anise seeds to taste.


    • Beat the eggs and the sugar, add the flour gradually. Mix well until you get an homogeneous dough without lumps. The adequate preparation of the mixture is essential for the success of the pizzelle. Add the oil (or melted butter) slowly, by "dripping" it as it is done when making mayonnaise. The final mixture must be soft, but not too soft, nor excessively hard. To "correct" a too soft consistency, add a small quantity of flour (always being careful not to create lumps). The obtained mixture will be characterized by a semi-soft appearance and by a consistency, which is doughy and not liquid.
    • Proceed to heat the "iron" (see picture in the related chronicle "Object of Abruzzo") taking care of oiling with a few drops of oil the two "faces" of the iron. The fire (the heat) must be moderate and, above all, must be always "controlled" to avoid sudden changes of the temperature of the iron. After a few minutes, it is possible to check the readiness of the utensil by pouring a spoonful of the mixture on the lower square of the iron plates.
    • Gently close the iron, without using pressure, and keep it a few seconds over the fire (heat) on each side. Remove the iron from the fire (heat) and remove the pizzella. For this step use a pastry spatula or a knife with a round tip.
    • Remove the cooked biscuit and gently place it on a dry dishcloth placed near the working place. The pizzella just removed from the iron will appear particularly soft and delicate, but after a few minutes, it will assume the classic consistency. It should be remembered that the different consistencies of this sweet strictly depend on the dosage of the ingredients; a greater use of flour and butter will cause a soft and doughy consistency, while a greater quantity of sugar and oil will produce a more crumbly and cookie-like consistency.


It should be pointed out that making these cookies is not easy, and good results are obtained only with experience.