"In 1449 Fallo was in the power of the Caldora family. In 1486 the fore-mentioned castle, along with Civita Borrella, Rosello, Villa di Santamaria, Montelapiano, Castello delli Giudici and Pescocostanzo di Abruzzo, Guglionesi and Sanmartino di Capitanata, Mottola di terra d'Otranto, Montepeloso di Basilicata, and Frattapicciola in Terra di Lavoro, were held by Queen Joan, wife of Ferrante, PRO SUIS IURIBUS DOTALIBUS; in 1507 she then gave them to her brother King Cattolico suo fratello, in exchange for other lands. The King gave them to Fabrizio Colonna, who negotiated selling them, along with Montelapiano, Villa Santa Maria and Castello delli Giudici, to Andrea Carraffa. Fallo was then given to Marino Segura, and then to Giuseppe Tocco or Zocco. In 1592 it was sold to Gaspare Castiglione by creditors of Alfonso, and Giuseppe Zocco, for 2270 ducates. In 1600 Orazio Castiglione sold them as free lands to Tiberio d'Ugno for 3200 ducates. Currently (about 1800) it is owned by the Caracciolo family of the princes of Santo Bono."
Furthermore, it is certain Joan III (wife of Ferrante I) and her daughter (Joan IV), traveled through Abruzzo in 1514 and stayed in Teramo on July 7th. At the time, both queens were widows, as Ferrante I died on January 25 1494 and Joan IV's husband had also died in October of 1496.
Even King Charles VIII of France, while traveling through Italy (1494-1495), seems to have spent a brief stay in these areas. It is that same Charles VIII who, according to his contemporaries, conquered the lands with wooden spurs and with chalk, with which he marked the places where he stayed.
During this period syphilis began to become widespread, called the "French illness", as opposed to "the disease of Naples" as it was named in France. In any case, according to some writers this disease was brought over by the discoverers of the Americas, whereas others claim that it had existed ever since ancient times.
1494 marks the beginning of the fall of the reign of the Aragonese. The dynasty was hurriedly restored after the retreat of Charles VIII, but was extinct by 1503, when the reign of Naples was conquered by Consalvo di Cordova and annexed to Spain as vice-realm.