After the death of his 1st wife, Ferrante got remarried, to Joan (3rd Queen of naples).
The marriage was arranged in 1477 to make sure that John II of Aragona, uncle to Ferrante I and father to Giovanna, would not stop claiming rights to the reign of Naples.
Their only daughter was born on April 20th, and given the name Giovanna IV (Joan).
The feuds that the king assigned to the queen were:
In Terra di Lavoro (currently Campania): Vico, Sorrento, Massalubrense, Frattapiccola, Somma, Teano, Roccamonfina;
In Molise: Venafro, Isernia, Agnone, Guglionesi, Castel del Giudice;
In Abruzzo: the county of Archi, Atessa, Tornareccio, Torino, Montelapiano, Villa Santa Maria, Rosello, Fallo, Borrello, Salle, Caramanico and Roccacaramanico, Tocco, Guardiagrele, Bucchianico, Ortona a mare, Teramo, Campli, Canzano, the principality of Sulmona, Pescocostanzo;
In Basilicata: Montepeloso;
In terra d'Otranto (currently Puglia): Mottola, Francavilla a Mesagne.